Tips for working with a VPS hosting

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Do you want to host your website or game server on a VPS?

VPS hosting will be the perfect choice for the average person who wants to host a server or website! VPS is short for Virtual Private Server. As the name suggests, VPS is different from shared hosting. Shared hosting is oftentimes cheaper, but comes with less flexibility. It won’t be as easy to scale up or down. A VPS also allows for greater customization. If you have decided you want to use a VPS, it’s recommended to read up on hosting with VPS. We have a few good tips everyone who’s decided to work with a VPS should know!

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Do you want Windows or Linux?


Both Linux and Windows are good options for VPS hosting. Which option is best depends heavily on what kind of software you are planning on using. Do you want to use software like Microsoft SQL Server and ASP.Net? Then Windows is the perfect option for you! If you plan on using PHP and MySQL, Linux is probably the better choice for you.

Make sure your VPS is secure

When you have your own server, you should make sure it’s secure. It’s very annoying if you wake up one day and find out your server has been hacked. This can lead to even bigger problems if the data of your customers has been compromised. So, just make sure all your software is up-to-date, always. Also, make sure your VPS has a strong password. As soon as you have acces to your new VPS, change the password to a long and unique password. A short password can oftentimes be cracked fairly easily. Keep in mind hackers don’t guess your password themselves in most cases, they use so-called brute force tools. These tools keep trying different combinations, until they’ve found the right one. So it doesn’t really matter if your password is a strange phrase of different numbers. Length is much more important!

Choose the right location for your VPS server

Do you want a VPS in the Netherlands? Or do you want a VPS in Chicago? It all depends on the location of your target audience. If your target audience is located in Europe, rather chose a server in Europe than in the USA. This will have a minor impact on the speed of your website of server. The server location also affects how easily people are able to find your website on Google.

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Never install software you don’t know

Don’t use your VPS for daily activities which you can use your own PC for. So, don’t use it to browse the web, unless you have to, and don’t install software you can’t fully trust. Always keep in mind that you’re not only responsible for keeping the server running, you also have to protect the data of your customers. So, always keep your VPS safe. And don’t forget to regularly back-up all your data, so you can restore your VPS if something happens.
